By Marianne Mauti
Whatever Happened to Common Sense?

Let me give you a few examples of what I mean: How is it possible that our “well informed” government officials are still battling over a bill that would prevent abortions after the fifth month even though scientific "information” is pretty clear that those babies feel pain? What sensible rationality could possibly convince them that having ones arms and legs ripped off wouldn’t be painful????? How is it that an increasing number of our well informed society is against torture when it comes to terrorists and against the death penalty for criminals who rape and murder but they demand the right to carry out the death penalty on a defenseless, unborn child at any time for any reason. Sadly, I would never have believed that an intellectual and informed society it would decide to make it easier for a 6 year old child to legally obtain the morning after pill than for her to receive an aspirin from her school nurse! Whatever happened to the term "childhood sex abuse"! Do we want the abuser to be able to get rid of any complications as a result of their abuse or do we think 6 year olds are now capable of having an adult sexual relationship! The absurdity of it all!
There are days I just feel like pulling my hair out!
Finally, please explain to me how,with all the "information" out there about the adverse physical effects that birth control pills have on adult females (not to mention the emotional scars of sexual relationships outside of marriage), it has become more important for a 16 year old to have unrestricted access to those drugs than to have the ability to get a 16 ounce soda or access to a salt shaker in the school cafeteria! I THINK YOU ARE GETTING MY POINT! It appears that the more information we believe we are getting, the less common sense we appear to have! Here’s what I believe, THE MORE GODLESS INFORMATION WE HAVE AVAILABLE, THE MORE CONFUSED SOCIETY IS BECOMING! Unfortunately this is what happens when society decides it does not need to live by any moral or ethical absolutes! They tell us we need to evolve socially and accept that ,"what is socially acceptable should now socially permissible"(or todays absolute).
There are days I just feel like pulling my hair out!
Finally, please explain to me how,with all the "information" out there about the adverse physical effects that birth control pills have on adult females (not to mention the emotional scars of sexual relationships outside of marriage), it has become more important for a 16 year old to have unrestricted access to those drugs than to have the ability to get a 16 ounce soda or access to a salt shaker in the school cafeteria! I THINK YOU ARE GETTING MY POINT! It appears that the more information we believe we are getting, the less common sense we appear to have! Here’s what I believe, THE MORE GODLESS INFORMATION WE HAVE AVAILABLE, THE MORE CONFUSED SOCIETY IS BECOMING! Unfortunately this is what happens when society decides it does not need to live by any moral or ethical absolutes! They tell us we need to evolve socially and accept that ,"what is socially acceptable should now socially permissible"(or todays absolute).
Heres the truth: Once upon a time our Nation relied on the absolute truth contained in the Bible. The Word of God was at the heart and foundation of our Republic! It was the source of all TRUE information concerning our moral and ethical behavior and the basis of all rational thinking and common sense! Gods “information” will never change! God’s Word doesn’t need to be edited or rewritten and it definitely won’t evolve over time. God understands what His creation needs to know in order to live to have a happy, successful and fulfilling life! Christians!!!!!!! Lets not buy into the lie that your Godly perspective and principled life doesn’t have a place in the public forum!!!!!Sir Edmund Burke said, ”The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!” I would like to add that in this information age , “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for Gods people to SAY nothing!!!!!!! Here is the simple truth,those who stand in opposition don't want Gods truth get in the way of their lifestyle! They don't mind if you want to live according to the Word of God (at least for now), as long as you keep your opinions to yourself! Sadly they just don't understand!
In a world that is becoming completely devoid of any common sense it is our responsibility to tell them and show them that their evolving absolutes will hurt them, but Gods everlasting truth can and will heal them! I guess you could say that we are the "common sense"that stands at the crossroad of the mis-information Highway! So how do we bring God's everlasting truth back into the American heart and mindset? Let's start by looking for an opportunity everyday to share Gods life changing Word with those He brings onto our path! Don’t be intimidated by today's World View, let the voice of the Holy Spirit be heard through you, speak truth in love! Lets also ALWAYS vote our Biblical convictions! If every confessing Christian had done that in the last Presidential election we would have a pro-life President in office today! How do you think God feels about those of us who voted for our pocket book over a human life (especially when He has the idea that He is your provider)? Also, ask God and then your Pastor what you can do as a part of your local Church body to help bring awareness to the ethical and moral decay of our society and Country. Prayer is always a good place to start! Maybe God will move on your heart to become involved in the political process or at the very least to sign petitions that build a consensus for righteousness in our Country!
Finally, remember this: You and I have access to the one and only Supernatural Highway of information! We are part of "The Eternal Age of Information"! Between the pages of The Bible are all the answers you and I will ever need! That makes perfect sense to me !
To 'Forge' something, is to mold and shape something for suitable use. We believe that our lives are constantly being shaped and molded by the hand of God for His divine purpose! This publication strives to encourage believers who are beginning this process and those who are well into it! We also believe a truly successful life is a Christ-Centered Life! We hope you will join us and become a regular reader!
Thank You and God Bless,
Marianne Mauti
Founder and CAO
'Forging Your Faith' is the online Christian publication of 'Christ the King Church' in Bellevue, Pa.
About Marianne Mauti: Marianne is a writer and blogger as well as a Pastor at "Christ the King Church" in Bellevue, Pa. She is currently the Dean and Chief Operating Officer of "Christ the King Seminary" a full time Bible Institute. For more information about us please contact us at:

* The Bible
*Dr. George R. Beninate: Is Bishop of "Christ the King Church" in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A Doctor of Theology, Biblical Apologist, conference speaker, lecturer and my spiritual father.He is also the Author of several books including,"The Age of Glory", Thank you for your relentless pursuit of truth!