By Marianne Mauti
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Every October American families prepare for the spooky , scary, Hocus Pocus celebration we call "Halloween." Children suit up in their costumes for "Trick or Treat", and walk in the annual neighborhood parade dressed like fairy princesses, cartoon characters, superhero's, ghosts and witches. For children the celebration of Halloween is just a day of dress up fun and a way to get lots of free candy. It is also, however, the one holiday that gathers thousands of Satanic believers across the globe to openly participate in demonic rituals, witchcraft, coven gatherings, Wiccan festivals, pagan rituals and animal sacrifice. More common to us is the (during Halloween celebrations) is dabbling into the dark magic arts by invoking curses, reaching evil spirits through the ouija board, contacting the dead at a seance party, having your future read through tarot card readings and going to a haunted house that promises to terrorize you. While we are busy passing out candy, bobbing apples, eating candy corn and drinking our pumpkin spice latte's, there is also a very real atmosphere of anti-christian oppression that permeates the Halloween celebration.
So the question is, "Should Christians Participate in Halloween?" "Is it alright to just participate in the costumes and candy and ignore the rest?" My husband and I found inevitably through Holy Spirit conviction and study of God's Word, that this was one of those places we needed to take a stand, not just for our family, but for all those we minister to! It was important that we personally acknowledge that Halloween is in complete conflict with God's Word. If you want to know if Christian's should partake of the Halloween celebration you don't have to look any further than Ephesians 5:11 for evidence of God's opinion. Here is what Paul had to say in about participating in anything that promote "spiritual darkness":
"And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even Expose them" (Ephesians 5:11).
The city of Ephesus was considered one of the centers of occult in the world during the first century. Paul told the church there, according to this scripture, not only are we to reject the deeds of darkness ( their celebration of pagan festivals), we are to expose them for what they are -- satanic, evil, and of the devil. The next verse says that we are not to even speak of these things.
"For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret" (Ephesians 5:12).
Having anything to do with their secret practices, even if it is just to speak of them, was considered disgraceful and dishonorable to God. Paul tells us to expose them for what they really are.
Our Founding Fathers
In the last few decades Halloween has become increasingly more popular and lucrative. It is now the second highest, financially profitable holiday in America. To really grasp it's significance we have to recognize that just in the last few years there has been a huge surge of interest in paganism, witchcraft and demonic familiarity in our culture. Every week our children watch a steady diet of characters who dabble in the black arts. The Bible tells us, however, that we are created beings who were designed to have a spiritual connection to our creator. If that connection isn't through the saving power of Jesus Christ and an ongoing relationship with him, and we will seek to fill that void with something else. As a result, the characters who dabble in the black arts are happy to fill that void! The strong attraction and fascination to demonic supernatural figures and the grotesque will easily take root in their hearts and minds.
So the question is, "Should Christians Participate in Halloween?" "Is it alright to just participate in the costumes and candy and ignore the rest?" My husband and I found inevitably through Holy Spirit conviction and study of God's Word, that this was one of those places we needed to take a stand, not just for our family, but for all those we minister to! It was important that we personally acknowledge that Halloween is in complete conflict with God's Word. If you want to know if Christian's should partake of the Halloween celebration you don't have to look any further than Ephesians 5:11 for evidence of God's opinion. Here is what Paul had to say in about participating in anything that promote "spiritual darkness":
"And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even Expose them" (Ephesians 5:11).
The city of Ephesus was considered one of the centers of occult in the world during the first century. Paul told the church there, according to this scripture, not only are we to reject the deeds of darkness ( their celebration of pagan festivals), we are to expose them for what they are -- satanic, evil, and of the devil. The next verse says that we are not to even speak of these things.
"For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret" (Ephesians 5:12).
Having anything to do with their secret practices, even if it is just to speak of them, was considered disgraceful and dishonorable to God. Paul tells us to expose them for what they really are.
Our Founding Fathers
It is interesting to note that our founding fathers refused to permit Halloween to be observed. Why? Because they understood it's pagan roots and the message it conveyed! What many any do not realize is Halloween was not widely celebrated in the United States until about 1900. It didn't become a viable American holiday until the immigration of the working classes from the British Isles in the late nineteenth century. While early immigrants may have believed the superstitious traditions, it was the mischievous aspects of the holiday that attracted young Americans. The new generations of Americans eventually began borrowing or adapted many customs without reference to their pagan origins.
This festival has survived the effort of many in the Church over the decades (since out Nations founding) to stamp it out! Today the majority of Christians have either joined in the celebration, believing it is harmless and spiritually insignificant or choose to just remain neutral on the issue, possibly fearing the disapproval of family and friends. What message does that send to those who are watching what we align ourselves to and how we conduct our lives? Could our indifference become a stumbling block for those who look to us for leadership and direction. Have we failed to teach the spiritual effect that takes place every year when we celebrate Halloween! Over the decades, our silence has allowed our current sanitized version of Halloween to emerge, separating it from its pagan past. There are however thousands of Satanists around the world who acknowledge Halloween as their high holy day. Every year christian parents either knowingly or unknowingly expose their child's spiritual well-being by participating in the celebration of Halloween, without fully understanding (as our Founding Fathers did), the harm it does on their impressionable minds and spirits. Because God holds believers to a different standard than the world, we have a greater obligation to know what God requires of us. The Bible also commands us to be able to defend "what" we believe and "why" we believe it.
Why the Attraction In the last few decades Halloween has become increasingly more popular and lucrative. It is now the second highest, financially profitable holiday in America. To really grasp it's significance we have to recognize that just in the last few years there has been a huge surge of interest in paganism, witchcraft and demonic familiarity in our culture. Every week our children watch a steady diet of characters who dabble in the black arts. The Bible tells us, however, that we are created beings who were designed to have a spiritual connection to our creator. If that connection isn't through the saving power of Jesus Christ and an ongoing relationship with him, and we will seek to fill that void with something else. As a result, the characters who dabble in the black arts are happy to fill that void! The strong attraction and fascination to demonic supernatural figures and the grotesque will easily take root in their hearts and minds.
Ask yourself this question...Why do we feel obligated to participate in this celebration with our children however harmless it may appear to be? The truth is that the power associated with darkness is attractive and is always seeks to draw us in, not so much by obvious means and temptations, but by little enticements. Watching and by participating in these things, small and innocent as they may seem to us, can open the door of acceptance and then attachment. The Bible had this to say about partaking in any manner with these things.
"Keep testing by experience what is well-pleasing to the Lord. And have no company with the works of the darkness." Ephesians 5:10-11.
In other words test everything you see and do against the Word of God. Ask yourself if what you are about to participate in would be pleasing to God. If it isn't pleasing to God (according to His Word) then be sure not to have any company ( that means having NO association ) with WORKS of Darkness ( the practices of those who do evil in the sight of God .) "
That includes: Any form of divination, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil' the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the final analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. Because they contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe God alone... All practices of magic or sorcery...are gravely contrary to the Word of God. (Catachism of the Catholic Church: 2116, 2117).
"Keep testing by experience what is well-pleasing to the Lord. And have no company with the works of the darkness." Ephesians 5:10-11.
In other words test everything you see and do against the Word of God. Ask yourself if what you are about to participate in would be pleasing to God. If it isn't pleasing to God (according to His Word) then be sure not to have any company ( that means having NO association ) with WORKS of Darkness ( the practices of those who do evil in the sight of God .) "
That includes: Any form of divination, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil' the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the final analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. Because they contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe God alone... All practices of magic or sorcery...are gravely contrary to the Word of God. (Catachism of the Catholic Church: 2116, 2117).
The Pagan Roots of Halloween
The name "Halloween" comes from the 'All Saints Day' celebration of the early Christian church, a day set aside for the solemn remembrance of the martyrs. 'All Hallows Eve', the evening before 'All Saints Day', began the time of remembrance. 'All Hallows Eve' was eventually contracted to 'Hallow-e'en', which became 'Halloween'. As Christianity moved through Europe it collided with indigenous pagan cultures and confronted established customs. Pagan holidays and festivals were so entrenched that new converts found them to be a stumbling block to their faith. To deal with the problem, the organized church would commonly move a distinctively Christian holiday to a spot on the calendar that would directly challenge a pagan holiday. The intent was to counter pagan influences and provide a Christian alternative.
This is very important: The church only succeeded in 'Christianizing' a pagan ritual but the ritual was still pagan mixed with Christian symbolism. That's what happened to All Saints Eve--it never lost the intent of its pagan roots or rituals (unlike Christmas and Easter) which became Holidays with great Christian symbolism and meaning!
This is very important: The church only succeeded in 'Christianizing' a pagan ritual but the ritual was still pagan mixed with Christian symbolism. That's what happened to All Saints Eve--it never lost the intent of its pagan roots or rituals (unlike Christmas and Easter) which became Holidays with great Christian symbolism and meaning!
The Celtic people of Europe and Britain were pagan druids whose major celebration was marked by the fall season. At the end of the year in northern Europe, people made preparations to ensure winter survival by harvesting the crops and reduce the population of their herds, slaughtering animals that wouldn't make it. Life slowed down as winter brought darkness (shortened days and longer nights), hard ground, and death. The imagery of death, symbolized by skeletons, skulls, and the color black, remains prominent in today's Halloween celebrations. The pagan Samhain festival (pronounced "sow" "en") celebrated the final harvest, death, and the onset of winter, for three days--October 31 to November 2. The Celts believed the curtain dividing the living and the dead lifted during Samhain to allow the spirits of the dead to walk among the living--ghosts haunting the earth. (These practices can also be found to some degree in the Eastern Pagan Religions of Buddism and Hinduism as well as many others.) They embraced the season of haunting by engaging in occult practices such as divination and communication with the dead. They sought 'divine' spirits (demons) and the spirits of their ancestors regarding weather forecasts for the coming year, crop expectations, and even romantic prospects. (Ancestry worship is also very predominant in the Asian religious culture ) Bobbing for apples was one practice that they used to divine the spiritual world's 'blessings' on a couple's romance.
For others the focus on death, occultism, divination, and the thought of spirits returning to haunt the living, fueled ignorant superstitions and fears. They believed spirits were earthbound until they received a proper sendoff with treats--possessions, wealth, food, and drink. Spirits who were not suitably "treated" would "trick" those who had neglected them. The fear of haunting only multiplied if that spirit had been offended during its natural lifetime. Tricked spirits were believed to assume grotesque appearances. Some traditions developed, which believed wearing a costume to look like a spirit would fool the wandering spirits. Others believed the spirits could be warded off by carving a grotesque face into a gourd or root vegetable (the Scottish used turnips) and setting a candle inside it--the jack-o-lantern.
Newly converted Christians armed themselves with the truth and no longer feared a haunting from departed spirits returning to earth. In fact, they denounced their former pagan spiritism in accord with Deuteronomy 18: 10-13 :
"There shall not be found among you anyone...who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord".
Nonetheless, Christian converts found family and cultural influence hard to withstand; (Wow, that hits home for many of us!)) they were tempted to rejoin the pagan festivals, especially Samhain. Pope Gregory IV reacted to the pagan challenge by moving the celebration of All Saints Day in the ninth century--he set the date at November 1, right in the middle of Samhain. As the centuries passed, Samhain and All Hallows Eve mixed together. On the one hand, pagan superstitions gave way to 'Christianized' superstitions and provided more fodder for fear. People began to understand that the pagan ancestral spirits were demons and the diviners were practicing witchcraft and necromancy. On the other hand, the festival time provided greater opportunity for mischief . Trick-or-treat became a time when kids would go house-to-house gathering food and drink for their parties. Those who did not comply would run the risk of a "trick" being played on their property from drunken young people.
"There shall not be found among you anyone...who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord".
Nonetheless, Christian converts found family and cultural influence hard to withstand; (Wow, that hits home for many of us!)) they were tempted to rejoin the pagan festivals, especially Samhain. Pope Gregory IV reacted to the pagan challenge by moving the celebration of All Saints Day in the ninth century--he set the date at November 1, right in the middle of Samhain. As the centuries passed, Samhain and All Hallows Eve mixed together. On the one hand, pagan superstitions gave way to 'Christianized' superstitions and provided more fodder for fear. People began to understand that the pagan ancestral spirits were demons and the diviners were practicing witchcraft and necromancy. On the other hand, the festival time provided greater opportunity for mischief . Trick-or-treat became a time when kids would go house-to-house gathering food and drink for their parties. Those who did not comply would run the risk of a "trick" being played on their property from drunken young people.
The Occult and Today's Pagan Holiday
According to many published articles and recorded testimonies on the subject of witchcraft and the occult, by those who are practicing members, we have a clear picture of what Halloween represents to them! Halloween has grown in prominence as the most important day of their calendar year. On this day those who practice the occult and witchcraft gather in various places around the world to give honor to Satan. On this high holy day they pray for the fall of the The Church and the destruction of christian families. "Halloween," which began its traditions being deeply rooted in the practices of the occult has grown in prominence and is now recognized as the most important day of their calendar year. It is their chosen time, the culmination of their yearly effort to bring glory to Satan and his demonic realm. On this day they gather in various places around the world to give honor to Satan and every work of darkness that sets itself against God and His Word. They hold Satanic vigils to pray to him for the fall of the Church of Jesus Christ and the destruction of families. They have sanitized their ritual behavior for the public so we won't be offended by it. It is clear the individuals that profess to be worshippers of the devil, nature (Wiccans) and the occult are pleased that their spiritual holy day has found acceptance into our mainstream culture,. They even offer advice on their websites and tips to families on how to include some of their basic practices into the celebration, "How to have a Wiccan Halloween!". Here are some quotes from witches and members of the occult which were featured in an article written by Bill Underwood of the Phoenix Sun Times:
According to many published articles and recorded testimonies on the subject of witchcraft and the occult, by those who are practicing members, we have a clear picture of what Halloween represents to them! Halloween has grown in prominence as the most important day of their calendar year. On this day those who practice the occult and witchcraft gather in various places around the world to give honor to Satan. On this high holy day they pray for the fall of the The Church and the destruction of christian families. "Halloween," which began its traditions being deeply rooted in the practices of the occult has grown in prominence and is now recognized as the most important day of their calendar year. It is their chosen time, the culmination of their yearly effort to bring glory to Satan and his demonic realm. On this day they gather in various places around the world to give honor to Satan and every work of darkness that sets itself against God and His Word. They hold Satanic vigils to pray to him for the fall of the Church of Jesus Christ and the destruction of families. They have sanitized their ritual behavior for the public so we won't be offended by it. It is clear the individuals that profess to be worshippers of the devil, nature (Wiccans) and the occult are pleased that their spiritual holy day has found acceptance into our mainstream culture,. They even offer advice on their websites and tips to families on how to include some of their basic practices into the celebration, "How to have a Wiccan Halloween!". Here are some quotes from witches and members of the occult which were featured in an article written by Bill Underwood of the Phoenix Sun Times:
Warlock Bryan Jordan: "Christians don’t realize it, but they are celebrating our Holiday with us…. we like it!”
Witch Doreen Valients: "To witches, Halloween is a serious occasion, however merrily celebrated.”
Witch Sharon Graham: "Salem (Massachusetts) is a Mecca, especially around Halloween or Samhain. It is our holiday, our new year, and a lot of witches come here from all over the world.”
Satanist Anton LaVey (Now Deceased): "Two major holidays, Halloween and Walpurgisnacht are celebrated by the church of Satan. Satanists consider Halloween the most important day of the year. Satanic, occult and witchcraft powers are at their highest potency level…. Satan and his power are at their best that night.”
Their view of Halloween is shockingly raw and unabashed ! They have no problem sharing their passionate devotion to their deeply held pagan belief about Hallowed evening. They are eager and willing to share their traditions and practices with any one who will listen, especially with children. Those who practice witchcraft and demonic worship love to point out how much they enjoy seeing Christian Churches participate in the Halloween festivities, bringing credibility and viability to the day! Despite the public relations campaign to sell the public on the innocent virtues of Halloween, modern day witches and Satanists still worship demon gods and goddesses, cast spells, practice bizarre and immoral rituals and offer up animal and yes according to them, human sacrifice. Research confirms that on this unholy night, witches and covens meet, drink, dance, spit out curses and spells, conjure up spirits, engage in orgies, induct new members.
Where Should We Stand?
Those of us who believe and live the gospel of Jesus Christ need to weigh the evidence of witchcraft as described by their members and the Word of God. Our children need to see clear and courageous conviction. They need a a constant standard by which to measure their own choices. How many of our choices may have sent the wrong message to our children? How much confusion could we we be causing when we participate in a holiday that is so blatantly opposed to our Christian beliefs ? We expose them by teaching our children the scriptural reason they should not participate in anything that promotes "spiritual darkness." It can't be a matter of opinion, it needs to be based on the eternal truth of Gods Word. It is important that we be consistent in our obedience to his word. God left no room for speculation when it comes to spiritual evil and anything associated with it. While there is nothing wrong with dressing up in a fun costume and having a party, we have to separate it from those spiritual influences that draw unsuspecting people into believing that dabbling with the occult and its practices is not spiritually harmful. Jesus brought light into the world. He came that we might have eternal life. We are commanded to reject the darkness and everything associated with it. We have to know where we, individually, must draw that spiritual line. While we whole-heartily embrace who Christ is and what He has done for us, we easily accept the premise that Halloween isn't going to harm us or our families and we let our spiritual guard down. Many Christian Churches offer viable alternatives for families, but most find its easier to let them participate in Halloween often feeling guilty for isolating their children from their peers. There are also many christians who see no difference in celebrating Halloween and Christmas and Easter.
What About Christmas and Easter?
Many Christians point out that the Christmas and Easter season were also established by early church leaders in order to counteract and challenge pagan festivals and bring an end to their practices. There are many who question, "Why if it is spiritually unhealthy to celebrate Halloween, do we celebrate Christmas and Easter?" "What does the Bible say about the observance of the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ?" Until the last few decades these holidays were truly a time for Christians to give praise and thanks to God by honoring the greatest doctrinal truths of our faith, the virgin birth, the atonement for our sin on the cross of Christ and His resurrection from the dead. Why is that important? It was His sinless nature, by virtue of His virgin birth, that allowed him to become the atonement for our sin on the cross. It was His resurrection that proved He is the one true and living God! Because of that He alone has the power to forgive our sin when we accept Him as our Savior and Lord! Without the virgin birth or the resurrection we are just another religion claiming to have the truth!
Many Christians point out that the Christmas and Easter season were also established by early church leaders in order to counteract and challenge pagan festivals and bring an end to their practices. There are many who question, "Why if it is spiritually unhealthy to celebrate Halloween, do we celebrate Christmas and Easter?" "What does the Bible say about the observance of the birth, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ?" Until the last few decades these holidays were truly a time for Christians to give praise and thanks to God by honoring the greatest doctrinal truths of our faith, the virgin birth, the atonement for our sin on the cross of Christ and His resurrection from the dead. Why is that important? It was His sinless nature, by virtue of His virgin birth, that allowed him to become the atonement for our sin on the cross. It was His resurrection that proved He is the one true and living God! Because of that He alone has the power to forgive our sin when we accept Him as our Savior and Lord! Without the virgin birth or the resurrection we are just another religion claiming to have the truth!
While Halloween invites us to join in a celebration of all that is opposed to God and His Word, Christmas and Easter highlight a celebration of the two greatest events in the history of mankind. Does it matter that the early church chose to place them on what were otherwise pagan festivals? For some it does, but it does not take away from the spiritual significance of what Christians celebrate. The early church fathers believed by replacing pagan festivals, they were giving new converts a spiritually positive way to celebrate God's love and faithfulness to His people. By acknowledging these important events we memorialize them into our culture and use them as a wonderful opportunity to share Gods plan of redemption and salvation with others. Halloween, on the other hand, does not in any way attempt to challenge or counteract the pagan spiritual practices of the holiday, it actually highlights them. It does not pretend to have any redeeming, spiritual value. Participating in Halloween activities does not bring any glory or honor to God. To the contrary it draws you into the spirit of the season which glorifies the demonic spirits attached to it. That may not be your intention, but joining in the holiday fun we have suddenly elevated it's credibility.
I wonder how many of us really consider what our actions convey or the spiritual message we send when we take part in the Halloween celebration. We say God has not given us a spirit of fear and yet Halloween is all about having fun by frightening others. We say that witchcraft is an abomination but we willingly allow our children to dress up as witches, ghosts and evil characters. Recent polls by the Barna Group (Christian polling Organization) show that less than 40% of (professing) spirit-filled born-again Christians actually believe in the absolute truth of the Bible. When spirit filled believers fail to feel even slightly conflicted about participating in Halloween, it isn't really that difficult to understand why our children find it hard to believe in the truth found in God's Word! Those of us who confess to have spiritual power and authority over every work of darkness, need to ask ourselves what we are doing and saying to those around us when we join in the celebration!
I wonder how many of us really consider what our actions convey or the spiritual message we send when we take part in the Halloween celebration. We say God has not given us a spirit of fear and yet Halloween is all about having fun by frightening others. We say that witchcraft is an abomination but we willingly allow our children to dress up as witches, ghosts and evil characters. Recent polls by the Barna Group (Christian polling Organization) show that less than 40% of (professing) spirit-filled born-again Christians actually believe in the absolute truth of the Bible. When spirit filled believers fail to feel even slightly conflicted about participating in Halloween, it isn't really that difficult to understand why our children find it hard to believe in the truth found in God's Word! Those of us who confess to have spiritual power and authority over every work of darkness, need to ask ourselves what we are doing and saying to those around us when we join in the celebration!
To deny the truth of Halloween is to accept truth in some parts of the Bible and deny the truth in others. It is difficult not to get caught up in the frivolity of the fall festival season which highlights costumes and candy, but we cannot deny what Gods Word has to say about the spiritual significance of bringing it into our children lives and our homes. There are many Churches, including my own that take the opportunity on Halloween night (All Hallows Eve) to focus on the contrast between Jesus and His message and the subtle message the workers of darkness want to impart to your children. Some Churches call their members to a night of prayer ( praying for those who are involved in the occult to be saved) , others print out Christian Tracts to pass out to those who come to their door (using it as an evangelical opportunity) and others have events for their children that focus on our life in Christ and not on Satan, hell and the grave. It is important that we offer our children an opportunity to see that you can have fun, food and fellowship without the trappings of Halloween and you can continue to be a light in the darkness no matter what the world is participating in around you on that particular day. We are called to preach the message of the Cross, a liberation for those who want it, an offense to those who do not.We are bearers of the truth and as such we must be willing to defend it so it brings truth to those who need to hear it. Never forget, we have a responsibility before God to train our children in the way they should go, and lead them in ALL TRUTH and righteousness for His names sake! So once again I ask you to consider this....
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
To 'Forge' something, is to mold and shape something for suitable use. We believe that our lives are constantly being shaped and molded by the hand of God for His divine purpose! This publication strives to encourage believers who are beginning this process and those who are well into it! We also believe a truly successful life is a Christ-Centered Life! We hope you will join us and become a regular reader!
Thank You and God Bless,
Marianne Mauti
Founder and CAO
'Forging Your Faith' is the online Christian publication of 'Christ the King Church' in Bellevue, Pa.
About Marianne Mauti: Marianne is a writer and blogger as well as a Pastor at "Christ the King Church" in Bellevue, Pa. She is currently the Dean and Chief Operating Officer of "Christ the King Seminary" a full time Bible Institute. For more information about us please contact us at:

* The Bible
*Dr. George R. Beninate: Is Bishop of "Christ the King Church" in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A Doctor of Theology, Biblical Apologist, conference speaker, lecturer and my spiritual father.He is also the Author of several books including,"The Age of Glory", Thank you for your relentless pursuit of truth!
*Quotes taken from:
*Article historical information taken from:
* Article in the Phoenix Sun Times by Bill Underwood
*"The Christian Response to Halloween", article by Travis Allen,managing editor for ,"Grace for You"
*Article historical information taken from:
* Article in the Phoenix Sun Times by Bill Underwood
*"The Christian Response to Halloween", article by Travis Allen,managing editor for ,"Grace for You"
*Dr. George R. Beninate: Is Bishop of "Christ the King Church" in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A Doctor of Theology, Biblical Apologist, conference speaker, lecturer and my spiritual father.He is also the Author of several books including,"The Age of Glory", Thank you for your relentless pursuit of truth!