By Marianne Mauti
God Has A Plan For Your Life
Today's article is packed full of really good transitional information and constructive professional advice. Life however is not just about building resumes and finding the perfect job."What you were created for" is far more important than "Where you go from here". It is important that you understand why you are here and what you have been called to do. God does have a perfect plan for each of our lives. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11God's Word declares that He is intimately aware and involved in the lives of those who desire to know and walk with Him. It is His purpose for every man, woman ever born to experience true fulfillment and relationship with Him. Here is what His Word declares:"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in Him." Ephesians 2:10When you begin to feel the pressure of life and the burden of debt and expectations closing in on you, remember that you can count on the fact that God gave your life eternal purpose and meaning. He really does have a good plan for your life. Why is that important? Because we all want to have a good life, and we want to believe that while we were here our life had value and meaning! The most important "job" you have when you leave college, is to find out how your education fits into Gods plan for your life (Jer. 1:5)! Give God permission to open the doors that are best for you and close the doors that are not. When you do that, it will give you courage to move forward because you know He will be with you every step of the way. Even more importantly, you will discover that God will give you a supernatural empowerment to do what He has called you to do (1 John 2:27). When God anoints us to do something, He appoints us to the position and place.
Remember His plan in your life is constantly unfolding. It won't be all laid out before you the day you graduate, probably because it would not benefit you. If you give your life to God and include Him in all of your decisions as well as seek the council of mature men and women of faith in your life, you will always be able to handle what comes next. The most important decisions you make in life are not about a job , they are decisions that position you for success in every area of your life. Earlier we shared the top 5 personal qualities that employers seek. I would like to suggest those qualities come from 4 more important steps you need to 'decide' to receive into your life:
1. Develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and allow Him to guide your decisions.
2. Develop unconditional love for others (you will suddenly , on a daily basis be around people you hardly know)
3. Grow in your faith and confidence in God. Read His Word daily, study and meditate on it.
4.Be sure your thinking lines up to Gods Word, then your actions will follow.
INCLUDE GOD IN THE PROCESS… When making a career decision, there are often several options available . It is important to make the best possible decision. Never let other people or outside circumstances talk you out of Gods direction for you. Well meaning individuals may try to get you to take the easier road or the more profitable one when God is wanting you to take a longer, more difficult one. He understands what you really need in your life. What will develop your character and relationship with Him. While God can lead through circumstances the Bible does show us that God is there to help us in our struggle to make a difficult decision,in fact he is there in partnership with us during the process. Because God wants you to succeed, it makes sense to have a career plan based around your designed purpose!
USE YOUR GIFTS AND TALENTS FOR A HIGHER PURPOSE… God desires for you to use the gifts and talents He has given to you. God created each of us with certain skills, abilities and gifts. There is no one else in the whole world exactly like you and there is no one else designed by God to do what you are designed to do. This is an important factor when you are considering what to do with your life. Working out of your created design will bring your fulfillment and satisfaction. It will enable you to serve others effectively and most importantly bring glory and honor to our Heavenly Father.
6 "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve,; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." Romans 12:6-8.
If you want to have a successful career and fulfilling life, you have to decide to live a life that is first and foremost pleasing to God. When you do this , your life will always be fruitful.
Colossians 1:10, "…. that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."
There will be times when you will have to set aside your plans. You will find that what God has planned for you is far better than anything you could make happen! Your choice can delay or derail the plan of God and the quality of your life. If you want to please the Lord, then your choices will become His choices and you will reap the fruit of your labor. The decisions we make on or off the job govern our actions and determine our future.
Choosing to live a life pleasing to God will protect you from the consequences of your human frailty. There may be times , especially in the workplace, you may be asked to say or do something that is clearly unethical. Your desire to please God with your words and actions will be all the reason you need to resist any pressure to act in an unethical manner! All they can do is fire you! If you have done what is right, God will reward you.
Living a life pleasing to the Lord also will help you to keep your priorities in the right place. If your career requires the majority of your time and you have no time for your family or church, than it is not worth continuing to pursue. It could also be a big red flag to get out! If your career leads you away from God rather than leading you closer to Him, that is a clear sign that you are on the wrong path. Nothing is worth harming your relationship with God !
"What does it benefit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" Matthew 16:26
LIVE FOR TODAY… You don't have to have to have it all yesterday! One of the biggest mistakes new and young professionals make is working so many hours that they simply have no time to enjoy their life. Being productive is a good quality, but if you spend most of your time trying to have it all right now, you will miss out on what you already have! Planning and strategizing for your "future" is also a good thing, but don't live there. If you do, you will live you in a constant state of frustration. This doesn't mean you can't dream or have a vision for your life, you should, but it should not rob you of the joy of "today"!
Life isn't something you eventually do, it has to be lived each and every day. If you get up every morning and find that your major compulsion for that day is to work as long and as hard as you can to achieve a 'future goal', you are a 'workaholic'! The need to achieve can cause you, if you are not careful, to lose your grip on what is really important in life. Workaholics do not live in the present, they live in the future. They are never satisfied by what they have accomplished today because they have already mentally moved on. There is always something more, greater, higher and better to attain. While those can be noble aspirations, for the workaholic, they are the source of permanent dissatisfaction with today! Workaholics cannot ever just walk away from their work,it eventually overlaps into every area of their life and filters into every relationship. This is extremely detrimental to your health and well being, no matter how noble or worthy the cause. Everyone needs a Sabbath rest! Living in the future never allows you to enter into a state of mental, emotional or physical rest. You never stop long enough to enjoy what you have achieved because you have already mentally and emotionally moved onto the next thing that is just beyond your reach.
Unfortunately the human mind and body were not created to maintain that level or state of "stress". Living in the present will allow you to experience the fruit of your labor and the joy of your accomplishment. It gives you time to reflect on your life, see the big picture, assess where you are going and thoughtfully move forward. You can't do that if you live in the future. Equally important is to not live past failure. If you are just starting out in your career you are starting with a clean slate. Eventually you will make a mistake, either on the job or by a bad career move. The past is only of value to you if you learn from it. If you blew it along the way, forgive yourself, if you have been hurt or maligned, forgive and move forward! Forgiveness is ALWAYS freeing !
We all want to taste the fruit of our labor, our hard earned success. That takes time to develop just like fruit left to ripen on the vine. It is cultivated day by day.If it has the proper nutrition and nurturing it will develop to its fullest potential. We all want the ripe fruit that hard work can bring, but in our "instant everything" culture, we don't want to wait for it. Find a sense of satisfaction in what you are presently doing, if you don't, you will live your life in a constant state if frustration!
Life is precious, how you decide to live it will make all the difference in the quality. No matter how much money you have earned , it will never be enough. No matter how many hours you work, you will never get it all done. No matter how much you hope to achieve there will always be something that seems to be just out of your reach. That is why you have to put it all into perspective! Real happiness comes from:
1. Knowing God's plan as He unfolds it.
2. Including Him in the decision making process each step of the way.
3. Using your talent and gifts not just to earn a living.
4. Trying to do it all in a way that will be pleasing to Him.
5. And enjoying the fruit of your labor with you family and friends as you live each day!
1. Knowing God's plan as He unfolds it.
2. Including Him in the decision making process each step of the way.
3. Using your talent and gifts not just to earn a living.
4. Trying to do it all in a way that will be pleasing to Him.
5. And enjoying the fruit of your labor with you family and friends as you live each day!
If you do those things God promises you will
experience life to it's fullest!
More and more college students are starting to the advantage of the few years of freedom post-graduation, choosing to pursue other paths instead of jumping into a full time position. You might consider doing something else until you have a clear vision for you future. There are many other opportunities such as interning, volunteering, or traveling. Many of these opportunities will be quality experiences that you can put on your resume when you do begin your job search. There are plenty of opportunities within the United States and also Internationally.
CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING: While volunteering might not bring in a lot of income, it is a valuable way to use your time, as you will be making positive changes while also building a network of fellow volunteers, co-workers, supervisors and organizations that might be important to your future work.
Because of the high cost of a College education today, many graduates find that it is impossible to begin paying back school loans and maintain independent housing and all that goes along with it. While most of you would rather be on your own after college you may want to consider moving back home. Don't let your college debt force you into a career you don't want and doesn't suit your gift's or calling because you need the money to pay your rent. Their is a long history of tradition around the world, of multiple family members (Aunts , Uncles, cousins, etc. ) and multiple generations, living together. America is unique in its idea of single family, single generation structure. You will find that most parents are willing to help, even if it is just for a short while. Your parents want what is best for you and will to continue to bring the emotional and physical support you need to help you advance to the next step in life.
Because of the high cost of a College education today, many graduates find that it is impossible to begin paying back school loans and maintain independent housing and all that goes along with it. While most of you would rather be on your own after college you may want to consider moving back home. Don't let your college debt force you into a career you don't want and doesn't suit your gift's or calling because you need the money to pay your rent. Their is a long history of tradition around the world, of multiple family members (Aunts , Uncles, cousins, etc. ) and multiple generations, living together. America is unique in its idea of single family, single generation structure. You will find that most parents are willing to help, even if it is just for a short while. Your parents want what is best for you and will to continue to bring the emotional and physical support you need to help you advance to the next step in life.
To 'Forge' something, is to mold and shape something for suitable use. We believe that our lives are constantly being shaped and molded by the hand of God for His divine purpose! This publication strives to encourage believers who are beginning this process and those who are well into it! We also believe a truly successful life is a Christ-Centered Life! We hope you will join us and become a regular reader!
Thank You and God Bless,
Marianne Mauti
Founder and CAO
'Forging Your Faith' is the online Christian publication of 'Christ the King Church' in Bellevue, Pa.
About Marianne Mauti: Marianne is a writer and blogger as well as a Pastor at "Christ the King Church" in Bellevue, Pa. She is currently the Dean and Chief Operating Officer of "Christ the King Seminary" a full time Bible Institute. For more information about us please contact us at:

* The Bible
*Dr. George R. Beninate: Is Bishop of "Christ the King Church" in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A Doctor of Theology, Biblical Apologist, conference speaker, lecturer and my spiritual father.He is also the Author of several books including,"The Age of Glory", Thank you for your relentless pursuit of truth!
* "How to Answer What is your Work Ethic," By Erin Lucy, Nicole Wilson, Joanna Papanikolaou, Tia goroth on
* "Work Experience While Job Hunting,"
* A recent article for the Wall Street Journal, By Blue Carreon
* Article by Joan Bersoza,"The Importance of Writing a Good Resume"
* The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) job outlook survey.
* Cary Curtis, (MD and founder of "Give A Grad A Go,")
* Sachin Shah, (International Director of,
* The National Center of Education Statistics (NCES)