By Marianne Mauti
Do You Have A Divine Mandate?
The account of our Nations Christian Heritage had its beginning in a “Divine Mandate.” Our forefathers had such a strong conviction about their journey to America that they were willing to sacrifice home, family, friends and even their lives. They did it in pursuit of a belief that their time on earth had a higher purpose. They were motivated by a deep obligation to their creator.
I think we could all agree that America is struggling to maintain her moral compass and is drifting away from the values that have made our nation great. Many of us are burdened by what has become culturally acceptable and yet I have had to ask myself, “What am I willing to risk for what I believe is truth?" "Would I take a stand in order to see it advanced?” Surely history has shown us (not revisionist history) that when our forefathers were guided by the spirit of God and believed they had a divine mandate, they were willing to lead the way! As a result civilization saw the greatest period of enlightenment and advancement in all of human history, elevating the lives of the entire world! This happened because:
They believed that, God created them to achieve a higher purpose!
That type of commitment and conviction changed the world they lived in! I wonder how many of us have asked God at any time in the course of our lives, "Do I have a divine mandate”? If we haven’t, could it be because we didn’t realize we should have one or could it be we really just don’t want to know! As the old saying goes, ”Ignorance is Bliss.” You can’t be accountable for something you don’t understand. I ask myself almost every time I am challenged by God to do something that is uncomfortable and risks offending others for His sake, “Do I really want to step into this river knowing that the currents are tough and navigating can be hard or would it be more convenient to just continue to float in my pond of blessings?”
They believed that, God created them to achieve a higher purpose!
That type of commitment and conviction changed the world they lived in! I wonder how many of us have asked God at any time in the course of our lives, "Do I have a divine mandate”? If we haven’t, could it be because we didn’t realize we should have one or could it be we really just don’t want to know! As the old saying goes, ”Ignorance is Bliss.” You can’t be accountable for something you don’t understand. I ask myself almost every time I am challenged by God to do something that is uncomfortable and risks offending others for His sake, “Do I really want to step into this river knowing that the currents are tough and navigating can be hard or would it be more convenient to just continue to float in my pond of blessings?”
I see nothing wrong with wanting to receive all the blessings of God, but I don’t think that should be the focus of my every day life, or deter me from making a decision that could cause me personal difficulty! Blessings are a RESULT of the fulfillment and satisfaction I SHOULD HAVE because I wake up everyday with a desire to jump into the river of His divine purpose in order to accomplish something that I have been put here to do.
Our forefathers had a mindset that connected them to Gods purpose. The result of that for many was persecution, loss of property and life. Their blessing came as a result of their perception of life .I believe their definition of blessing was quite different from ours. I am not saying our purpose has to be earth shattering every day! I believe we just need to have an attitude like there’s of being available to God when he calls, knowing it will more than likely interrupt our plans for the day or create inconvenience in our life!! You see a
MANDATE is a commission to do a specific thing; it is something you are entrusted to perform by authorization of a higher power.
MANDATE is a commission to do a specific thing; it is something you are entrusted to perform by authorization of a higher power.
Their sense of higher purpose compelled the Puritans and early Pilgrims to give birth to what our founding fathers called their “Manifest Destiny.” They believed it was their destiny to pioneer freedom for the human race and make it possible for all Nations and peoples to serve God in absolute freedom! This led to the great awakening of the 18th century and men like George Whitfield and Charles Wesley who embraced this mandate. It prepared the early American colonists to forge their independence. J.C. Ryle stated in 1870 this concerning the early Puritans and pilgrims:
“They as a body, have done more to elevate the National character then any class of Englishmen that ever lived.”
Ian Murray, in his work, “The Puritan Hope,” states, “The source of this influence was there theology which was an ATTITUDE that distinguished them as MEN OF DESTINY and MEN OF HOPE. It affected the spiritual thoughts of the American Colonists and forged their sense of destiny.”
Ian Murray, in his work, “The Puritan Hope,” states, “The source of this influence was there theology which was an ATTITUDE that distinguished them as MEN OF DESTINY and MEN OF HOPE. It affected the spiritual thoughts of the American Colonists and forged their sense of destiny.”
I wonder if that could be said about us today or has this understanding all but disappeared from our mindset. Do we believe that there is a higher purpose then our blessing and comfort as we forge into this new millennium? How many of us believe that we are all called to be a part of something greater than ourselves? I have heard it said that with great risk comes great reward! I imagine that was how our forefathers saw it. Their blessing or reward was in knowing they had accomplished something eternal that would have an effect on the lives of future generations to come. It is my hope that we will all begin to rethink what our life here is truly about and strive to have the attitude of our forefathers that elevated the world around them!
To 'Forge' something, is to mold and shape something for suitable use. We believe that our lives are constantly being shaped and molded by the hand of God for His divine purpose! This publication strives to encourage believers who are beginning this process and those who are well into it! We also believe a truly successful life is a Christ-Centered Life! We hope you will join us and become a regular reader!
Thank You and God Bless,
Marianne Mauti
Founder and CAO
'Forging Your Faith' is the online Christian publication of 'Christ the King Church' in Bellevue, Pa.
About Marianne Mauti: Marianne is a writer and blogger as well as a Pastor at "Christ the King Church" in Bellevue, Pa. She is currently the Dean and Chief Operating Officer of "Christ the King Seminary" a full time Bible Institute. For more information about us please contact us at:

* The Bible