By Marianne Mauti
The Only Thing You Can't Do Is the Thing You Refuse To Try
The Bible is full of accounts of men and women who had the courage and conviction to do things that seemed impossible. They had the same insecurities and questions that all of us have and yet they believed so deeply in their corse of action that they were able to overcome their natural fear and concerns and do great and mighty things. Obviously God was a great determining factor in their decision making but often times like the case of Daniel there was a need to step out in faith first, to begin the process and then see God move on His behalf in a miraculous way!
We feel inadequate and incapable of doing something , even if it is something we passionately want to do. Many of us dream about doing or being something but we just need get up the courage or find the will to try.mTHeir is a natural created instinct in all of us to strive to accomplish something great than us and et many go through life never trying, never feeling the satisfaction of accomplishing anything.
Some people are great at starting things but very bad at finishing (thats a whole other article). Then there are those of us who are so filled with fear and self doubt that we never even try! I have to admit I have been guilty of not finishing several things that I have started. But I have never been afraid to try. I was very blessed as a small child to have a father who was a self made individual. With only a 6th grade education he was never afraid to try whatever he thought would help him to provide for his family. Maybe it was because he grew up during the depression and he saw the devastating effect of no prospect of work but I believe he had a strong values instilled in him as he was growing up. His father was a first generation american and had a strong work ethic. He knew that in order to succeed in America he was going to have to make it happen! He taught my father and his brothers a very important principle that made its way to my brother and I. It was this,
What a simple but life changing philosophy. In todays feature article I want to explore that profound and even Biblical philosophy. The truth is you can't ever accomplish anything if you never begin. Beginning is sometimes the hardest part because it means several things.
1. Getting started
2. Putting yourself out there
3. Having to own the results
4. Fear of Failure
5. What will others think
We feel inadequate and incapable of doing something , even if it is something we passionately want to do. Many of us dream about doing or being something but we just need get up the courage or find the will to try.mTHeir is a natural created instinct in all of us to strive to accomplish something great than us and et many go through life never trying, never feeling the satisfaction of accomplishing anything.
Some people are great at starting things but very bad at finishing (thats a whole other article). Then there are those of us who are so filled with fear and self doubt that we never even try! I have to admit I have been guilty of not finishing several things that I have started. But I have never been afraid to try. I was very blessed as a small child to have a father who was a self made individual. With only a 6th grade education he was never afraid to try whatever he thought would help him to provide for his family. Maybe it was because he grew up during the depression and he saw the devastating effect of no prospect of work but I believe he had a strong values instilled in him as he was growing up. His father was a first generation american and had a strong work ethic. He knew that in order to succeed in America he was going to have to make it happen! He taught my father and his brothers a very important principle that made its way to my brother and I. It was this,
The only thing you cannot do is the thing you refuse to try.
What my father wanted me to understand was trying something doesn’t require you to be the best there ever was at it and it may not be something you will ever want to do again, but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing you tried and benefit of your experience! He believed success was measured by what you had the courage to try and not in what you accomplished. The only failure was the failure to try! Over his lifetime he owned three businesses, Uranium mine in Canada (that’s a whole other story) and lived a short but inspiring life! (He passed away at 56).
What a simple but life changing philosophy. In todays feature article I want to explore that profound and even Biblical philosophy. The truth is you can't ever accomplish anything if you never begin. Beginning is sometimes the hardest part because it means several things.
1. Getting started
2. Putting yourself out there
3. Having to own the results
4. Fear of Failure
5. What will others think
“God doesn't require us to succeed, he only requires that you try." Mother Theresa
If God Be for You....
For the christian it is even more important to not fear what God has called or asked you to do. If God is in the plan it is impossible to fail!
For the christian it is even more important to not fear what God has called or asked you to do. If God is in the plan it is impossible to fail!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Your not supposed to do what God has given me to do any more than I can do what he has given you to do. Quite frankly at 54 I am really not interested in wasting time trying to be someone I am not and do something I haven’t been given the grace to do! Let God say and do what he wants through you! Maybe you aren’t going to write a blog or publish a gazette. But you have something to offer to others that only you can give!
How many of us have had a passion to do something for God but for whatever reason we bury it deep inside, afraid to let it grow in the light of understanding and Gods purpose. All God expects you and I to do is have the courage to try! God isn’t looking at your success rate He is interested in your obedience. You don’t see the big picture anyway, so it is impossible for you to determine.
How many of us have had a passion to do something for God but for whatever reason we bury it deep inside, afraid to let it grow in the light of understanding and Gods purpose. All God expects you and I to do is have the courage to try! God isn’t looking at your success rate He is interested in your obedience. You don’t see the big picture anyway, so it is impossible for you to determine.
“Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!” William Carey
To 'Forge' something, is to mold and shape something for suitable use. We believe that our lives are constantly being shaped and molded by the hand of God for His divine purpose! This publication strives to encourage believers who are beginning this process and those who are well into it! We also believe a truly successful life is a Christ-Centered Life! We hope you will join us and become a regular reader!
Thank You and God Bless,
Marianne Mauti
Founder and CAO
'Forging Your Faith' is the online Christian publication of 'Christ the King Church' in Bellevue, Pa.
About Marianne Mauti: Marianne is a writer and blogger as well as a Pastor at "Christ the King Church" in Bellevue, Pa. She is currently the Dean and Chief Operating Officer of "Christ the King Seminary" a full time Bible Institute. For more information about us please contact us at:

* The Bible
*Dr. George R. Beninate: Is Bishop of "Christ the King Church" in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A Doctor of Theology, Biblical Apologist, conference speaker, lecturer and my spiritual father.He is also the Author of several books including,"The Age of Glory", Thank you for your relentless pursuit of truth!