By Marianne Mauti
The Cultural Captivity of America

Over the last few decades it has become obvious that we are witnessing an increasing moral and ethical decline in our Nation! It appears that those of us who believe in the Ten Commandments, the right to life and the sacred union of a man and woman in marriage are now culturally in the minority. How is it possible when the majority of people in the country still say they are Christians? The truth is it can only happen if "Christians" choose to separate their secular life from their religious beliefs! What does that mean?
When individuals (who profess to be Christian) no longer live by a definite set of absolute values and choose to accept the gray area of individual preference in their every day life then it is not difficult to understand why we see such a rapid decline of morals and ethics in our Country today! Not only have many "Christians" become accepting of our current social behavior, that is condemned by scripture, they are even insisting those of us who want to live by Biblical values keep our views behind the doors of the church because it does not belong in the public (secular) forum! For the most part we have remained silent. We seem to be more worried about offending the world than offending God! The result is that the truth is now subjective, there are no clear, moral and ethical absolutes and we now see the “Cultural Captivity of America !!!!!
This scripture from Colossians is at the heart of what I believe is happening. “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” Col. 2:8-9
Paul is not talking about physical bars or chains. He is warning us about chains constraining our minds to think like the world. Whenever we assume that the perspective of the world is more viable it overrides the truth of Christ in every aspect of life. We are then allowing ourselves to be taken captive. Paul also says, “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" Col. 2:3. Since that is true, we need to filter all claims of truth through the Biblical understanding of the nature of God, man and the universe. It is time we stop ignoring the cultural worldview that is barreling down our hill and crashing into the structural foundation of our Country, our homes, and our children!! Lets look at the heart of the problem as described in Colossians. The world today (and even most Christians) have a divided view.
We divide our lives into two categories:
We divide our lives into two categories:
1. Science and reason (public truth)
2. Religion and morality (private truth). In other words keep it to yourself!
This division of truth has brought confusion to our children and has greatly served to marginalize Christianity. When Christians even attempt to speak to the morality of todays issues we are dismissed and told our opinion has no place in the public forum, it is (private truth). When we do try to speak on subjects like ethics, science and public policy, our comments are seen as subjecting our values onto others and placing them where they do not belong! The sad part is that we have for the most part accepted this! We fall for the lie that science deals with facts and religion deals with values! We have unknowingly taught our children that the two can exist together and apart from one another.
A good illustration of this can be found in a recent article I read which described a students experience on the first day of theology class at her Christian school: “My theology teacher drew a heart on one side of the blackboard and a brain on the other side. He informed us that the two are as divided as the two sides of the blackboard—the heart is what we use for religion, and the brain is what we use for science.” This is an example of how we are “preparing” young people for college, life and society. What we are doing is failing to equip them for the absolute hostility they will face because of their Christian beliefs as soon as they leave our homes! We need to teach a single “heart: and “brain” Christian world view that will help them to understand life! Sadly more and more Christians have, in one way or another, begun to reason out the conflicting and confusing facts of the secular world this way! Truth that places science and reason in one place and morality in another isn’t real truth it is the absence of Biblical absolutes! If we don’t address this problem, we will turn out a new generation of Christians who are Christian in their private life (we hope!!!!) but essentially secular in their public life. Ultimately, their brains win out over their hearts so they end up living and thinking like non-Christians.
Well I think I will leave it here for today! I want to say in conclusion, there are many really great Pastors and Churches out there (I know many) who are preaching and teaching sound Biblical doctrine.I know my Church is. We all have had to take a step back and try to understand the cultural shift we are in. We need to ask God to give us wisdom on how to minister to this quickly changing world in which we live . The message never changes but the messenger must be wise in His or her delivery, and parents must be informed so they know how to prepare their children for the world they will face! There are many different facets about this I want to share in the next several blogs! I hope the information I will share will help you be more informed as Christians and parents! I hope you will follow along!
To 'Forge' something, is to mold and shape something for suitable use. We believe that our lives are constantly being shaped and molded by the hand of God for His divine purpose! This publication strives to encourage believers who are beginning this process and those who are well into it! We also believe a truly successful life is a Christ-Centered Life! We hope you will join us and become a regular reader!
Thank You and God Bless,
Marianne Mauti
Founder and CAO
'Forging Your Faith' is the online Christian publication of 'Christ the King Church' in Bellevue, Pa.
About Marianne Mauti: Marianne is a writer and blogger as well as a Pastor at "Christ the King Church" in Bellevue, Pa. She is currently the Dean and Chief Operating Officer of "Christ the King Seminary" a full time Bible Institute. For more information about us please contact us at:

* The Bible
* Kirby Anderson: "Truth Decay, "Worldview and Truth"
*Dr. George R. Beninate: Is Bishop of "Christ the King Church" in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A Doctor of Theology, Biblical Apologist, conference speaker, lecturer and my spiritual father.He is also the Author of several books including,"The Age of Glory", Thank you for your relentless pursuit of truth!